For any product bought via our platform partners please contact the support channels on those platforms to help resolve any issue through that process first, being by way of direct message or email. If for some reason you are having an issue please contact us via our contact section on this website and we will help resolve issues related to our product line or guide you to how you can resolve the issue at hand.
All information gathered with our booking and online shoppers on the MeLoBeInG website is kept private and is not shared or sold. You may receive marketing for related products, including educational, book, and clothing product information that may interest you. You may opt out at any time. We are not responsible for any "powers that be" that have host-level access to information beyond our control. We personally protect the data we have knowledge of and do not share it with third-party companies for monetary or non-monetary reasons. We do not take any form of payment directly on our website relating to our third-party platform partners via their secure payment systems. For example, Amazon or eBay. Our online store(s) will be located on our home page, with links directly to the products being sold. Payment receive on our platform/website are protect and secured and never shared. We use trusted companies to secure payment.
We accept payment only through our third-party partner sites located on our website's home page. We also have secure payment options for our branded merchandise and booking services. For "Book a session with Arvelle," relating to character-building education and consulting services, will not be refundable; however, you can reschedule sessions once if needed or will be notified if a session needs to be rescheduled due to an emergency. MeLoBeInG merchandise products, such as clothing and books, are only refunded on a case-by-case basis, and if deemed damaged, we will send a replacement if damages are approved as damaged from shipping.